#!/usr/bin/env -S gawk -f
# Usage: getAlignPos.awk <samFile
# Get the start\end position of local alignment for spliter\sequence
# Input: samFile without header
# Output: flag|spliter|spliterStart|spliterEnd|seqStart|seqEnd
FS = "\t"
OFS = "\t"
if ($6 == "*") {
print $2, $3, 0, 0, 0, 0
} else {
n = patsplit($6, cigarSegs, /[0-9]+[MIDNSHPX=]/)
spliterStart = $4 - 1 # sam file is 1-based, so minus 1
spliterEnd = spliterStart
seqStart = 0
seqEnd = 0
for (i = 1; i <= n; ++i) {
patsplit(cigarSegs[i], num, /[0-9]+/, labels)
if (labels[1] ~ /[MI=X]/ || labels[1] ~ /[SH]/ && i == 1) {
seqEnd += num[1]
if (labels[1] ~ /[SH]/ && i == 1) {
seqStart += num[1]
if (labels[1] ~ /[MD=X]/) {
spliterEnd += num[1]
print $2, $3, spliterStart, spliterEnd, seqStart, seqEnd