
shopt -s expand_aliases

alias ~=”:«’~bash’”



removeDuplicates.md fastq1(.gz|.zip) fastq2(.gz|.zip) fastq3(.gz|.zip) ... >rmDupFile


The input of removeDuplicates.md are several fastq files. removeDuplicates.md accepts fastq files in .gz or .zip compressed form. The Nth sequence of each input fastq file forms the Nth record. Two records are deplicates if their component sequences from the same input fastq file are always the same. removeDuplicates.md remove and count duplicated records. The stdout are lines of the form


Why use several fastq files as input of removeDuplicates.md

The paired-end next-generation sequencing (NGS) is quite common. Although mappable segment may be only in R1 or R2, the other end still helps to determine the locus of the sequence. See demultiplex.md.

Should I directly input raw fastq file, or remove adapter, barcode and so on before the input into removeDuplicates.md

The stdout of removeDuplicates.md are aligned to the so-call spliters in demultiplex.md to determine the loci of lines. If you preserve adapter, barcode and so on in the input fastq files, it is suggested to provide them in spliters as well.


for fq in "$@"
    if (file $fq | grep -q compressed)
        fqlist="$fqlist <(zcat $fq)"
        fqlist="$fqlist $fq"

eval paste $fqlist | sed -n '2~4p' | sort | uniq -c | gawk '
        for (i = 2; i <= NF; ++i)
            printf("%s\t", $i)
        print $1
alias ~~~=":" # This suppresses a warning and is not part of source.